News: Adrian Croker, APC Decorating wins
the Dulux Select Decorator -
Internal Category award for 2016
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APC Decorating are providers of all aspects of internal and external decorating
Adrian Croker has been trading as a painter and decorator in and around the Devon town of Tiverton since 2007.
APC Decorating pride themselves on providing high quality professional workmanship, no matter how big or small your job!
The team are regularly assessed (most recently in October 2011) for their workmanship, experience, loyalty, reliability and customer service. It's these qualities that have earned Adrian the title of Dulux Select Decorators and the Trust Mark Government registered standards membership, of which he is understandably very proud.
In February 2016, Adrian was awarded the Dulux Select Decorator of the Year - Category Winner for his Internal Work. See the work he did for yourself here...
Find out more About APC Decorating here...